Jan Roubal
Psichiatra, psicoterapeuta della Gestalt, docente di Psicoterapia e di Psichiatria alla Masaryk University di Brno (Czech Republic). Trainer e supervisore internazionale, ha lavorato nelle strutture pubbliche di Salute Mentale e in Ospedale Psichiatrico, occupandosi principalmente di Disturbi dell’Umore e Disturbi Psicotici. È membro di EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy), EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy), SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) ed è chair del Research Committee dell’EAGT.
Jan Roubal, MD, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Psychotherapy at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, where he also participates in the work of the Center for Psychotherapy Research. He works as psychotherapist and psychiatrist. He founded and leads the Training in Psychotherapy Integration and the training Gestalt Studia in the Czech Republic, he also works as a psychotherapy trainer and supervisor internationally. He chairs the Research Committee of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy. He co-edited the books Current Psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy in Clinical Practice. From Psychopathology to the Aesthetics of Contact and Towards a Research Tradition in Gestalt Therapy.